I am sitting here wearing flipflops and a sundress in my NYC living room, watching Julia and Jacques with a load of launrdy about to be done. I hang them in the bathroom because I don't have a dryer. It would make my kitchen too hot, even with a vent. I'm watching the cooking shows looking for some new ideas for Thanksgiving.
I have had a houseguest since mid-July, who was supposed to move out today, but did not. This person is a family member, which has made it all the more hard for me to ask them to leave. A friend, a boyfriend? You can burn those bridges if need be, but blood is hard for me to deal with. This person has stressed me out to a new level, instead of helping as they professed when they moved in. Helping family can be such a burden because you never know if you are actually helping them or hurting them by making things too easy for them. It's amazing that I can be so hard on my 17 year old and so easy on others to avoid confrontations. But I always rationalize being hard on my son that I am teaching him life lessons. Today was supposed to be the end of this ordeal and the beginning of no tension in my home. I think they are trying to torture me because I stayed home sick today, but it's just like me to think the worst of this person right now.
I hoped they would leave early and I would put a load or two of laundry in and crochet in bed or work on a project on my one and only table in the living room, but they keep coming in and out of the apartment and it's driving me insane. This has basically been my life for the past five months. I've completed a few simple projects, but want to do so many things for an economical Christmas. If I can get my act together, I just might be able to accomplish a few of them, because I am not trying to be too ambitious.
I have a pleasant Thanksgiving meal planned, but I always like to try one new thing, which I may or may not use again. My son has invited some friends over. I think he likes playing the host. The problem is that I do not have enough seating after a little furniture fiasco this summer. But anyone that comes over knows what happened and understands, and will be bowled over by my food(LOL), so they won't care.
I'm looking forward to the holidays, the new year for a new start, and February for another new start. I hope to report back soon.
Love Kim