Today I went to see the surgeon to get the splint off. Thank goodness, everything looked the way it was supposed to when it was removed. Swelling is down, incision is on track, and I can now wash it and scratch the rest of my leg when needed. Yay! No physical therapy yet. Another four weeks of not walking on that ankle at all. I was given a ski boot to use as a cast. It's bulky, but so much better than that blasted splint.
From there my son and I went to buy a few groceries and something to eat - to take home. I was so exhausted from using the walker, and still not being able to put my foot on the ground. The heat didn't help matters. It was horribly hot and muggy. After being home for two weeks straight you would think I would have wanted to be out all day. That wasn't the case. I was so hot and tired I just wanted to go home. Luckily the hospital/doctor's office is very close to where I live, and easy to get to and from.
I'm grateful that things are going according to plan. I zonked out the rest of the day, and the next day. Julia (pronounced Hulia)has been a pistol. I think this was the first time all day she stayed still. I still love her, no matter how much she bites.