Pic courtesy of The Federalist Papers.org
I am listening to a podcast on iTunes called The History Chicks. In this podcast two women are discussing famous women in history. Obvious, huh? Okay, but their banter is nice and relaxing. They supply many facts, and best of all it is not boring at all.
These are the shows so far:
- Episode 1 – Marie Antoinette
- Episode 2 – Laura Ingalls Wilder
- Episode 3 – Cinderella
- Episode 4 – Abigail Adams
- Episode 5 – Dolley Madison
- Episode 6 – Lizzie Borden
- Episode 7 – Helen Keller
- Episode 8 – "The" Mrs. Astor
- Minicast – Adams and Feminism
- Minicast – Anne Sullivan Macy
- Minicast – Little House
- Minicast – Red Riding Hood
I've only listened up to the Abigail Adams episode with two mini episodes. I'm listening to it right now. I'm sorry to say that I'm picturing Laura Linney while listening, but I can't help it. If you did not watch the John Adams HBO miniseries, you should. This podcast has given me so much information on Abigail. She was THE super-mom of her day.
The Laura Ingalls Wilder episode was just as informative, and surprising. She flew in a plane!!
I highly suggest you listen to these, especially if you are female.