You know how you can save your favorite videos on YouTube? Well on Pinterest you can save your favorite pics - by "pinning" a pic, no matter the origin (no obsenities), to "pin boards". The pin boards are like file folders, but your pics are in there. They supply about six board titles for you to start off with. You can create as many as you like.
You follow people like on Twitter, and they follow you also. But instead of their comments, you see the pics they have "pinned" to their boards. If you like the pic, you can "repin" it to one of your boards. You are given the choice to make a comment that will be seen, and tags. For the tag, after your write the word, add a comma. The tag appears in a list. If you make a mistake you can delete it right there. You can edit the comments and tags when you want. And you can also see who else pinned the same pics, whether you pinned it or not. It sounds strange, but I think it's genious.
For the past few years I've seen pics I would have liked to save so I could try to recreate a craft or food item. Now, all I have to do is "pin" it to one of my "boards". The best part is that you are not crowding your file storage with other people's pics. That can take up a lot of room on your computer.
Right now they are in the early stages of the website. So if you are interested, you have to request to be added. It took them about five days to answer me. But it was worth it to me. They are also asking for suggestions to better the site.
The "Pin" bookmark is easier to load on Mozilla Firefox than on IE. I made the mistake of opening my "invitation" from them at work and loaded the "Pin" bookmark there (on Firefox). It would not work on my home computer (IE) later that night, until I deleted it off my work computer the next day and reloaded it on my home computer.
They also have badges and buttons for your blogs. Pin badges Check them out when you are accepted.
I'm still learning how to use it, but I feel good knowing that I'm just pinning pics and not making anyone angry for copying their images.
If anyone has any questions, I'm still learning, but please send me a message. I'll try to help out. And if you are on Pinterest, please follow me. I'll follow you back. My boards