Bella's Bio

  • Spayed in November 2008.
  • Single, still not looking to date.
  • Born in Queens, NY
  • Birthday - April 4, 2008

Boha's bio

  • Boha was born through a breeder. Bought by a young man that sold him to a friend of mine. She needed to find someone to give him to and I suggested my son. We have had him for about 6 or 7 years now. He had a form of cancer that was treated by us getting him fixed. It cleared up in a week or two. He is now 12. He acts like an old person - moving slow, not really letting anything bother him. He is the most loyal dog ever. He loves us as much as we love him.

Otis's Bio

Filp-flops in NY

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October 26, 2009


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